S4/5/6 National 4/5 Biology:

This exciting course in Biology covers three main subject areas:

Unit 1: Cell Biology – What happens inside the tiny cells which make up our bodies, and the all other living things, which help to keep us alive? This will include: study of cell structure and function, transport in cells, production of new cells,

DNA and protein production, enzymes and their role in cells, genetic engineering, photosynthesis, and respiration.

Unit 2: Multi-cellular Organisms – How do plants and animals control their bodies and behaviour to survive? This will include: Specialisation of cells and tissues, the role of stem cells, controlling the body (role of the brain, nerves and hormones), reproduction and inheritance, transport systems in animals (heart and blood) and plants, and effect of lifestyle on health and wellbeing.

Unit 3: Life on Earth – How is all life on the Earth interconnected, and what are the current threats to life on earth? This will include: Factors affecting Biodiversity and distribution of life on Earth, how energy moves in the ecosystem, how nutrients (e.g. nitrogen) are recycled in the ecosystem, sampling and measuring of environmental factors, natural selection and evolution, and the human impact on the environment.

How will the course be assessed?:

The National 4 course is internally assessed and will include a research project as part of the final assessment.

The National 5 course is assessed by a mixture of internal assessment and a final external exam in May.



Useful Revision Websites:

BBC Bitesize National 4 Biology

BBC Bitesize National 5 Biology

Online National 5 Textbook

Mr Parr’s Revision Songs