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Speyside High School, Mary Avenue, Aberlour, Banffshire AB38 9QU

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e-Sgoil is delighted to extend the provision of free live study support to senior phase pupils.

The initial eight-week block of early evening live webinar lessons has been a fantastic success with:

  *   over 5000 course registrations
  *   young people from all 32 local authorities participating
  *   an average lesson rating of 4.31/5 from the young people attending.

We have seen great attendance figures from our schools across Moray!

Resuming Monday, 23 November 2020, 28 courses are now available – a range of National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses. Live webinar lessons will be delivered weekly by subject specialist via Microsoft Teams within Glow.

Registration for these live webinar lessons is now open. Pupils can register directly at (pupil Glow login details and Scottish Candidate Number required). Spaces are limited


Post Author: Ed Picksley