Dear Parents and Carers,
An invitation … we need you!
As members of the Speyside High Parent Forum you are all invited to join us for our 2021 Parent Council AGM at 7pm on Tuesday 14 September.
It will be online (Teams) and we hope to see as many of you as possible.
The AGM is an opportunity to hear what we have been up to, form a new committee and be part of what we aim to achieve in the not too distant future.
The AGM is also a time to form our new Parent Council and we invite you to contact us if you would be interested and able to offer a few hours over the year to be part of a caring link between school, the parents and carers, the local community and the wider education network. There are opportunities for those who enjoy fundraising and for those who are interested in being part of a supportive body.
There will be an opportunity to put yourself forward for roles on our committee, please contact us if you have any questions. Otherwise, if you would like to attend, follow the link on the night – I hope to see you there!
Best wishes, Nikki Bond – Co Chair.
Contact us on: